Hello, my name is
Elena and I wear a contributer hat for this blog, nope, I'm not in any way an Apodaca but that is where I get my marching orders from.
Part of those orders today were to post a new feature here, and I'd like to draw your attention to the new-and only-button on the left side. Yes, the one with a beautiful, smiling girl, who by God's sweet mercy, is now
a part of a family. They have caught the vision for adoption and it has been such a blessing to see His hand in their lives through the process; I encourage you to
read their journey and ponder on the great picture we see through it. There are a handful of pictures we are given of something earthly portraying something heavenly. Marriage is one of those pictures God has given us to show Christ's pure and perfect love for those who are His, and in earthly adoption we see a picture of our own salvation as believers.
On the blog that my sisters and I share
I wrote more extensively about this, however, here I'd like to encourage you to check out the work done at
Reece's Rainbow. More than that, if God has saved you, I am humbly encouraging you to pray about your own adoption and to pray about earthly adoption; it's not just for barren women, it's not just for couple's who aren't able to bear "their own" children, and it's not just for orphan's overseas.